
Baha® 6 Max Sound Processor

Find out more about the Baha 6 Max processor which is the external part of the bone conduction hearing system.

Presentation of the Baha 6 Max processor

The Baha 6 Max is a processor for bone conduction systems. It may be indicated in case of conductive hearing loss, sensorineural single-side deafness and mixed hearing loss.

Available in six different colors, it has a direct connectivity with compatible Android™ and Apple devices.


The Baha 6 Max Sound Processor is available in six different colours.


Baha6_ENV Front_Brown Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.pngBaha6_ENV Front_Black Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.pngBaha6_ENV Front_Blonde Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.pngBaha6_ENV Front_Copper Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.pngBaha6_ENV Front_Silver Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.pngBaha6_ENV Front_Mint Front 2000x2000 Medium_res.png

Baha 6 Max integrates several technologies

Connectivity baha.png

The compatibility of the Baha 6 Max with certain Android and Apple devices gives access to several features.


Please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Always follow the directions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information.

For a full list of Cochlear’s trademarks, please visit our Terms of Use page.

Cochlear Baha 6 sound processors are compatible with Apple and Android devices. The Cochlear Baha Smart App is available on App Store and Google Play. For compatibility information, visit

Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC. Android is a trademark of Google LLC.

Apple, the Apple Logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Cochlear Limited is under license.


  1. Van Eeckhoutte M, Folkeard P, Glista D, Scollie S. Speech recognition, loudness, and preference with extended bandwidth hearing aids for adult hearing aid users. Int J Audiol. 2020;1-12.

*Hoffman J. Subjective evaluation of clear rich and natural sound. Cochlear Bone Anchored Solutions AB, Sweden. 2020; D1788013.