
Hear clearly again

Cochlear implants can help you hear and reconnect with your loved ones - consider taking the next step when your hearing aids are no longer enough.

When to consider a cochlear implant

When to consider a cochlear implant

You are not alone - in Australia 1 in 5 adults suffer from hearing loss.1 While wearing hearing aids do you:

  • Have trouble hearing on the phone?
  • Frequently ask people to repeat themselves?
  • Struggle to hear in noisy environments?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then cochlear implants may be the solution you are looking for.


When to consider a cochlear implant

You are not alone - in Australia 1 in 5 adults suffer from hearing loss.1 While wearing hearing aids do you:

  • Have trouble hearing on the phone?
  • Frequently ask people to repeat themselves?
  • Struggle to hear in noisy environments?

If you answered YES to any of the above, then cochlear implants may be the solution you are looking for.

What is a cochlear implant and how it works

What is a cochlear implant and how it works

A cochlear implant system consists of a sound processor (1) and a small implant (2&3) which is implanted by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon. Together, they are designed to pick up sounds from the environment and transmit them directly to the hearing nerve (4), helping to restore sound clarity even in noisy environments².

If your hearing aids are not giving you clear hearing then a cochlear implant may help you hear again.


What is a cochlear implant and how it works

A cochlear implant system consists of a sound processor (1) and a small implant (2&3) which is implanted by an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon. Together, they are designed to pick up sounds from the environment and transmit them directly to the hearing nerve (4), helping to restore sound clarity even in noisy environments².

If your hearing aids are not giving you clear hearing then a cochlear implant may help you hear again.

Hear more, live more

Hear more, live more

If you are missing sounds while wearing a hearing aid then a cochlear implant may help you reclaim those precious sounds and reconnect with life.

  • Better clarity by restoring access to missing sounds4
  • Clearer hearing in noise and speech understanding5,6
  • Improved quality of life6

Hear more, live more

If you are missing sounds while wearing a hearing aid then a cochlear implant may help you reclaim those precious sounds and reconnect with life.

  • Better clarity by restoring access to missing sounds4
  • Clearer hearing in noise and speech understanding5,6
  • Improved quality of life6

Peter reignited his passion for life after receiving his cochlear implants

Peter reignited his passion for life after receiving his cochlear implants

After going through a few rough years losing his hearing and then his job, Peter lost all confidence. Starting off with hearing aids, his audiologist then recommended a cochlear implant.

Watch how Peter describes his journey of reclaiming his hearing and regaining his zest for life.

Peter reignited his passion for life after receiving his cochlear implants

After going through a few rough years losing his hearing and then his job, Peter lost all confidence. Starting off with hearing aids, his audiologist then recommended a cochlear implant.

Watch how Peter describes his journey of reclaiming his hearing and regaining his zest for life.

Funding for cochlear implants

Funding for cochlear implants

There are a variety of cochlear implant funding options available to Australian adults, such as:

  1. Public health cover or medicare for eligible adults (wait lists may apply).
  2. Up to 100% cover with private hospital health insurance cover for cochlear implant costs - devices, surgical procedure, hospital costs - depending on your level of insurance.

Contact us today to learn about the funding options available to you.

AU Hear Clearly campaign 2022

Funding for cochlear implants

There are a variety of cochlear implant funding options available to Australian adults, such as:

  1. Public health cover or medicare for eligible adults (wait lists may apply).
  2. Up to 100% cover with private hospital health insurance cover for cochlear implant costs - devices, surgical procedure, hospital costs - depending on your level of insurance.

Contact us today to learn about the funding options available to you.

Are you interested in learning more?

Are you interested in learning more?

Contact us today on 1800 934 538 or download a free information brochure.


Are you interested in learning more?

Contact us today on 1800 934 538 or download a free information brochure.

Please seek advice from your health professional about treatments for hearing loss. Outcomes may vary, and your health professional will advise you about the factors which could affect your outcome. Cochlear implants are for the treatment of moderately severe to profound hearing loss. Always follow the instructions for use. Not all products are available in all countries. For Cochlear™Nucleus®, Osia® and Baha® systems: This product is not available for purchase by the general public. Please contact your local Cochlear representative for product information.

Views expressed are those of the individual. Consult your health professional to determine if you are a candidate for Cochlear technology.

For a full list of Cochlear's trademarks, please visit our Terms of Use page.

Any testimonial featured on this website is intended for an Australian audience only. Recipients featured use the Cochlear™ Nucleus® implant system and/or Baha® bone conduction implant systems for the treatment of moderately severe to profound hearing loss.

*Private health insurers may be able to provide a full reimbursement of a hearing implant. Coverage of surgical and hospital costs will depend on your insurance level. Contact your health insurance provider or hearing health professional to determine your eligibility for coverage.

  1. Listen Hear! The economic impact and cost of hearing loss in Australia, Access Economics Pty Ltd; (2006), {cited 14 February 2022], Available from
  2. The Nucleus Freedom Cochlear Implant Surveillance Trial Results. 2008 June.
  3. Manrique-Huarte R et al (2016) Treatment for hearing loss among the elderly: Auditory outcomes and impact on quality of life. Audiol Neurotol, 21S1:29-35.
  4. Novak MA, Firszt JB, Rotz LA, et al. Cochlear implants in infants and toddlers. Ann, Otol Rhino Laryngol Suppl 2000; 185:46-49.
  5. Hirschfelder A, Gräbel S, Olze H. The impact of cochlear implantation on quality of life: The role of audiologic performance and variables. w Head Neck Surg. 2008 Mar;138(3): 357-362.
  6. Clinical Evaluation of the Cochlear Nucleus CI532 Cochlear Implants in Adults Investigator Meeting. 2019 Apr.